Rev. Dr. Melvin Wilson Jr.
Rev. Wilson was born and raised in the Cleveland, Ohio area and at the age of 5 he received his call to proclaim the gospel of our Lord in his parent’s basement. After his grandfather retired from the ministry, Rev Wilson joined Olivet Institutional Baptist Church where Reverend Dr. Otis Moss Jr., was Pastor, and at the age of 16 he preached his first sermon.
God directed Rev. Wilson to further his education at Ashland University, where God began to build the foundation for ministry. He orchestrated initiatives, which aided students, staff, and community members in need. In addition, God also blessed Rev Wilson to bring God’s word to the University and Seminary campuses during various chapel and weekly services.
Rev. Wilson was ordained an elder at Shiloh Full Gospel Baptist Church by one of his spiritual fathers Bishop William Morris Jr, and served as an associate minister. In addition, Rev. Wilson received his Bachelor’s degree in business administration and double minored in philosophy and religion.
In 2008, he received his Masters of Divinity with a concentration of Biblical Studies from Ashland Theological Seminary. In obedience to God, he joined St James African Methodist Episcopal Church in Cleveland, OH under the leadership of Rev. Dr. Gerald Cooper. Later he was blessed to be ordained an Itinerate Elder.
Rev. Wilson is married to Brooke and they have two children; Lena, and Melvin III. Rev. Wilson has served as Youth Pastor of Wayman Chapel A.M.E. in Dayton, OH, Pastor of Whitman Chapel A.M.E. Church and Payne Chapel A.M.E. in Duquesne, PA., and Pastor of Baker Chapel A.M.E. Church in Fort Worth, TX. He has also successfully served on various boards and committees at the conference and district level. He now proudly serves as the Pastor of Bethel A.M.E. Church in San Antonio, TX.
Rev. Wilson earned his doctoral degree in pastoral counseling and care at United Theological Seminary in Dayton, OH, where his focus was reaching those alienated by the church. He is proud to share in the brotherhood of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated.
His zealous passion for God's Word combined with a love for God's people has allowed God to move in a mighty way through this vessel.
Above all else, he serves the risen Savior. He is compelled to help others recognize the calling and gifting placed on their lives, while recognizing God's far reaching power of love and forgiveness. He has a contagious spirit of generosity that saturates every facet of ministry for he understands IT IS ALL ABOUT THE KINGDOM.
Lady Brooke Wilson
Lady Brooke was born in Dayton, Ohio and graduated with her Bachelor’s Degree in Organizational Communication and a minor in Psychology from Wright State University. God made her purpose clear when she left her comfortable place in the financial services industry to pursue an opportunity in Social Services. She began working at a Day Habilitation Program where she taught social learning, and other skills necessary for successful community integration to individuals with Intellectual Disabilities. Through this, her passion was discovered to help and counsel people, and thus earned her Master’s Degree in Clinical & Mental Health Counseling and is a fully Licensed Professional Counselor in the state of Ohio. Since their relocation to Texas, she has received her Licensed Professional Counselor-Intern status and works as a Healthy Steps Mental Health Consultant. Here, she is given the opportunity to serve families affected by Mental Health Disorders and Child Development needs.
Although growing up in the church, God led her to re-dedicate her life which led Sis. Wilson to minister through dance and mime which she continues to enjoy. She met her helpmeet, Melvin in 2011 and the two became one in 2013. They have two beautiful blessings, Lena and Melvin III (Tres).
Lady Brooke is a proud member of the Illustrious Sisterhood of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her family & friends, swimming, manicures & pedicures, horseback riding, music, and [of course] shopping. Her favorite scriptures are Jeremiah 29: 11-13, ‘“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future’. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.