Christian Social Action Ministry
Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.
Galatians 6:2
The Committee on Social Action of Bethel AME is a part of the Connectional Commission on Social Action. We coordinate local church activities and information on social issues affecting the members and the neighbors of our church.
Our goals include:
- voter participation through registration drives and hosting meetings on neighborhood concerns and with local politicians;
- economic development by offering assistance with job searches and job preparation;
- public awareness of issues that impact our local neighborhoods, such as the gentrification of East San Antonio; and
- literacy through our ongoing speed reading program.
Contact us at if you have issues or concerns affecting our neighborhoods. Include CSA or Social Action in the subject line and we will respond as quickly as possible.
The U.S. Census Bureau is looking to hire over 1000 people in the next few weeks. The jobs range from clerks to group supervisors and the pay ranges from $15 an hour to $22 an hour. You can apply online at 2020 or call (855)562-2020.